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Serious Considerations
Concealed Handgun Carry License
So, you made the decision to carry a firearm, but you haven't decided to conceal or to constitutionally carry. If you're one of the few people who are willing to consider both sides of the argument, then this article is written for you.
What's the big deal with concealed carry licensure anyway? Who really needs one and who doesn’t? Many are in favor of getting proper licensure. Of those, most have done the research and realize that it is by far better to go through the class and absolutely understand the laws than listening to unlicensed and uneducated individuals discuss jailhouse law. Let's face it, everyone on social media has an opinion, and most of those opinions have no basis in fact. Allow me to ask you this question. How much do you trust people you don't know when it comes to your money and your freedom?
Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God. Matthew 5:9
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