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Building your Business as a Trainer: Be a Good Instructor

There’s going to come a day when all eyes are looking up, staring at you.

They took time out of their busier-than-ever lives and traveled . . . to see you.

They made room in their budget (some planning months ahead), and they are handing over their hard-earned money . . . to you.

You might be wondering at this point: Who are “they”? Well, let me tell you. They are your future students. And you are their Firearms Instructor. And, of course, what you offer to your future students largely depends on the quality of your instruction. It depends on how well you were trained and your willingness to continue to develop yourself as an instructor.

Building your Business as a Trainer: Duties and Responsibilites of a Range Officer

Everyone is a range officer…NOT


1. a moral or legal obligation; a responsibility.
synonyms: responsibility, obligation, commitment

2. a task or action that someone is required to perform.
synonyms: job, task, assignment, mission, function, charge, place, role, responsibility, obligation

As a Range Officer you have a duty to keep those coming to your range for recreation or training safe from themselves, keep the event under control, make sure range rules are being followed, and ultimately ensure that no one is endangering the safety of others. The idea that "everyone is a range officer" is incorrect. The fact that everyone is responsible for their own actions, however is true. The duties of a Range Officer are different than the responsibilities of those attending the training event.

Building your Business as a Trainer: The Benefits of Team Teaching

We are NRA Certified Instructors and Training Counselors, USCCA Certified instructors and Intuitive Defensive Shooting Instructors. We strive to make more confident capable shooters and thinkers out of our students and instructor Candidates. We believe that sometimes the knowledge isn’t as easy to access from a general perspective on how to thrive in this industry.

Sure, you can find great curriculum; and we think we are pretty good at bringing instructors and students to their personal best in a formal regard. But sometimes the intangibles of the industry aren’t as easy to teach.

On that note: I’d like to talk about team teaching and why you might want to teach with other instructors. Specifically, how it can manifest itself as an immediate value to you and how you can see the long-term benefits of such a choice, too.
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Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God. Matthew 5:9
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